Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Movies Reviews: Virginity Hits and Suicide Girls Must Die

Hello gentle readers. Today I would like to look at a few films that you should be able to catch on DVD or at the local Multiplex. First lets look at "Suicide Girls Must Die". Which is supposed to be the "Worlds first horror reality movie" and it may well be , but who really cares if it is?

The basic idea of the movie is that a group of the tattooed and pierced models from the actual Suicide Girls website go to a remote lodge in the woods for a calendar shoot. The calendar shoot is the excuse for each of the girls to get naked for a few minutes in the film. I'm not complaining about that part, some of the girls are very attractive and the nudity is appreciated.

I will complain about the basic deceit of the film makers, who treat the audience as if we are as stupid as they make these poor girls appear to be in this movie.

Of course I could be giving the actors more credit than they deserve and they really are as stupid as they appear to be in this film, but I really hope not. The movie isn't really scary and logic soon disappears early on in the film. I will give credit to Amina Munster (I'm sure that's not her real name) who plays the photographer / uber lesbian bitch of the story. Amina is very attractive and has being a total insensitive bitch down to a T, I almost suspect that she wasn't acting.If you want to see a bunch of mostly attractive tattooed girls doing a lot of stupid things and are naked part of the time, then this may be the movie for you. If you're looking for a good scary movie, then you may want to skip this one.

Another movie shot in the cinema verite style is "Virginity Hits" a group of horny teen boys trying to lose their virginity kind of movie. Think Super Bad shot in the style of Paranormal Activity. The story follows the hapless nerdy, nice guy Matt trying to get laid and landing in one humiliating situation after the other.

The movie is kind of funny and it may be a good movie for parents to see with their teenagers. There are a lot of 18 years olds drinking, partying and many sexual situations, but parents could use this film as a spring board to discuss these things with their teenage sons and daughters.The film doesn't glorify these activities and shows how stupid people can be while doing them.

The young unknown cast does a good job and they do some pretty outrageous things on camera. The two main leads Matt Bennett and Zack Pearlman fit the Jonah Hill / Michael Cera roles of over the top fat friend and shy, so nice you wonder if he's gay guy; who wants to wait until everything is perfect to sleep with his hot girlfriend and screws everything up. Though for the most part the movies is entertaining, there are some moments that really cross the border into just cruel humiliation. Kind of funny, but shot on video, so you may enjoy it more watching it on the big screen at home instead of paying to see it in a theatre.

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